About Us

About Us


The Heat Labs Team is a small but mighty, and while our roles are SORTA listed and explained below, believe us when we say we all do a little bit of everything everyday to make the Terp Sous Vide a reality 💪😺♨️


We’ve all rolled up our sleeves on this bad boy to bring you - the dabbing community - a perfect temped, tasty dab EVERY TIME. 


We love meeting happy customers and interested newbies! Feel free to reach out to us directly on our IG @Terp.SousVide



Bill (Jerry) - Community Success & Marketing

Bill (@babiesdonttalk/@investinheadies) first heard the idea for the Terp Sous Vide from company partner Dario @7minute_dabs in January of 2018 … and immediately knew they had a winner on their hands. The tastiest, most precise way to take dabs? No butane? Bill was IN. He HAD to bring this to the dabbing community. PLUS you can use all your favorite functional art you've been collecting for years (no BS attachments) and the TSV helps you preserve the life of all your favorite quartz. Bill knows about headies, slurpers, bangers, and accessories because that's what he does for a living: runs his online functional art gallery Invest in Headies. He brings his knowledge and passion for all things heady to team TSV!


Bill is the community facing side of the business, interfacing with all alpha, beta, and early adopters at the moment, but ready to take on the world as they head towards launch. 


Dario - Inventor

The true seed that allowed this idea to grow, Dario is the man behind the idea! 💡 As a man who takes dabbing seriously - and only wants high quality / perfect temp dabs in his life - Dario has been working on this idea for years! He wasn't looking for a partner when he ran into Bill (@babiesdonttalk/@investinheadies) at Glass Vegas in 2018, but they both instantly bonded over their common interests: helping people enjoy great terps at perfect temperatures through magical handmade one of one art creations... and tasty food after of course. 😋

Really just enjoying life to the fullest with good friends (the family you choose) the way we most enjoy... neither of them knew about the journey they would soon embark on… but boy are they glad to be here now!


When Dario’s not working on the Terp Sous Vide, he runs one of the tastiest pizzerias in the country 🍕🍕🍕 no WONDER he wants you to get to that perfect level of taste every time … can you say high pizza…. 🤤
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Follow Dario @7minute_dabs to see what's next!! 🙌
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#teamTSV #heatlabs #solventlessvaporization #wherescienceandartmeet #terpsousvide


Mickey - Quality Control & Manufacturing 

20+ year career as field engineer 🥼🧑‍🔧 (technical training, installing, instructing, repair, and R&D) for a major automotive manufacturer 🚗 and many more decades under his belt enjoying the highest quality THC from across the country 🌱 

Mickey brings that beautiful blend of knowledge and experience to the team and soooo much more! He knows exactly why the Terp Sous Vide is a critical addition to the dabbing scene; it gives you a consistent, tasty hit every time. 😺💨


Mickey has been completing quality control on each and every machine - to make sure you only get the BEST when you use Terp Sous Vide. You can thank him when you take that first perfect dab! 


Lucas - Operations & IT

Behind the scenes, Lucas is hard at work managing the website, presale launch, a lot of R&D and shipping out sets direct to early adopters. 📦 With a long history in the dabbing community, and in the trades (HVAC, Construction, Extraction, & much more) Lucas understands what it takes to fix anything and to make dabbers happy - he’s bringing his talent and energy to the Terp Sous Vide Team. 🥼 We are lucky to have him! 🙏


If you’ve ever met him, you know - this “baby giraffe” 🦒 (he’s HUGE!) and is the man making it happen!!!! 🙌 Bringing the Terp Sous Vide straight to your door. 😺♨️🚪


Torrey - Manufacturing & Fulfillment 

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Behind the scenes, Torrey is hard at work managing the orders @investinheadies and @heatlabs.tech the TSV HQ - Building and shipping out TSV sets direct.
With a long history in the dabbing community, video games, and music 🍯🎮 🎶 
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Torrey is a hardworking cat, who understands perfect temps, and that consistency is key 🗝️ to make dabbers happy - he’s bringing his talent and energy to the Terp Sous Vide Team. 👨‍🎤 We are lucky to have him! 🙏
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#terpsousvide #TSVfam #solventlessvaporization